A segment is a group of customers that share common characteristics with the same response to marketing campaigns.
Segmentation is the selection of groups of recipients from a common customer base.

Visually, segmentation can be represented as follows:

When a user receives a email with information that is irrelevant to him, at best, he ignores it, at worst, he complains about spam, and disappears from your subscriber base forever. Therefore, an effective email campaign is always as personalized as possible.

Subscriber base segmentation in NiceSender is a powerful tool that increases email open rates and leads to targeted actions. Users can be divided according to many criteria. Consider segmentation by parameters and behavior.

How to use it.

When uploading recipients to NiceSender, you can add any additional parameters that will be useful for segmentation.

For example, “number of purchases”. Еhen create a campaign for those who have not bought anything yet, offering them a promo code with a 30% discount on their first purchase.

An example of a segment of recipients who did not make purchases:

Thus, the promo code will be received by those who have not bought anything yet.

Recipients who have already made purchases will receive a different email. Among them, we will highlight additional segments.

To distinguish among the buyers those who did not open campaigns in the last month, this is a paying audience that does not read your offers, add the filter “have not opened campaigns since date”.

For these recipients, you can change the email subject and preheader, since the open rate of campaigns depends on them.

This is how the segment “customers who did not open emails in the last month” looks like:

Your task is to select all the necessary segments and send them an up-to-date offer.

To do this, NiceSender offers many filters based on the behavior of the recipients.


  • Opened an email. This segment includes all recipients who have previously opened campaigns
  • Didn’t open an email. This segment includes all recipients who have not previously opened campaigns. This is an active audience that reads your emails. Use it to promote your products or services.
  • Followed the link. Use this segment to determine the recipient’s interest in specific products
    Didn’t follow the link. Use this segment to get a segment of recipients who need extra motivation to follow yours.


  • Opened / did not open emails from the date. Use this option to get the segment of recipients who have read or ignored your emails since a special date.
  • Followed / did not follow the links from the date. Use this option to get the segment of recipients who clicked aphids who did not click your emails since a special date
  • Recipient added before/after the date. This segment allows you to get new or old recipients in a group
  • Received emails from the date. Use this segment to exclude those who have not received previous emails.


  1. Simplify the tasks of an email marketer. Creating effective campaigns are many easier.
  2. Saves time creating campaigns. Labor costs are reduced by automating the process.
  3. Key metrics are growing. You increase click-through rate and open rates by at least 34%.
  4. Improving the quality of email campaigns. You get the result you expect.
  5. Reduced spam complaints and unsubscribes. Users receive emails that are relevant to them and show interest.
  6. Sales are growing. The number of clicks and, as a result, orders is increasing. You make a profit.
  7. Inactive subscribers are returned. With the help of segmentation, it is easy to create resuscitation emails.

Use a strategy with proven effectiveness. Segment your database and achieve maximum results. We will help you with building a competent email marketing.

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